Human Trafficking


Human Trafficking is a crime that spans all socioeconomic demographics, impacts many industries, and is strewn throughout the United States and California.

Trafficking of humans is the second largest criminal industry in the world after drug dealing, and is the fastest growing. Many victims of trafficking are forced to work in prostitution or sex entertainment. But trafficking also occurs in forms of labor exploitation, such as domestic servitude or restaurant work, sweatshop factory work or migrant agricultural work.

In prior years, Junior League of Orange County, CA Inc. has brought leaders forward to educate the community on how human trafficking has impacted the hospitality industry, the transportation industry, and legislative trends. We will continue to drive the conversation and help eradicate it from our backyard.

JLOCC Human Trafficking Awareness Committee undertook a variety of initiatives this  year to assist our Orange County partners: the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force, Orangewood Foundation, and the Lighthouse.  

  • A donation drive to collect items for survivors of human trafficking. Members of the public can participate by using this link to send needed items through the month of January:
  • A community forum to educate the community on this horrible crime. Members of the public can attend via signing up here: 
  • A social media campaign to raise local and national awareness on the issue of human trafficking
  • A partnership with the Lighthouse, an Orangewood Foundation program providing house for victims of sex trafficking


  • Cell phone & electronic devices: Suspicious activity
  • New cell phone or electronic device
  • New expensive clothes or jewelry
  • Late curfew, running away
  • Older boyfriend
  • Withdrawn, not as social
  • Wanting to move away
  • Missing school, late for class



  • Communicate with your child
  • Check electronic devices
  • Report anything suspicious to the local police
  • Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline
  • Spread the word (family, friends, neighbors etc.)
  • Talk to your child’s school administrators


REVIEW this fact sheet on human trafficking from the Orange County Task Force to understand the different types of human trafficking: labor trafficking, sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of children.

EXPLORE the FAQ’s from the Orange County Task Force to better understand how the task force operates and how you can help.

REPORT possible human trafficking activity to the Orange County Task Force.


National Human Trafficking Hotline: (888)373-7888 or

This hotline will help victims safely and securely rebuild their lives by connecting them to basic services related to:

  • Housing • Health care • Immigration assistance • Food • Income • Employment • Legal

Orange County Human Trafficking Force
Established in 2004, the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force (OCHTTF) is a collaboration of law enforcement, victim service providers, non-profit organizations, faith-based organizations, government entities and the community. The OCHTTF’s mission is to work together, taking a victim-centered multidisciplinary approach, toward the common goal of combating human trafficking and related crimes in Orange County, California.

Orangewood Foundation

 The Lighthouse Project falls under Orangewood Foundation and was a special project for JLOCC this past year. The Lighthouse program for survivors of sex trafficking.

For more information on our efforts and community partnerships, please contact or