Community Impact Vice President

Lena Ross

Lena Ross joined the Junior League of Orange County in 2015.  Lena has held multiple leadership roles within JLOCC such as Finance Assistant, Web Manager, Academy Manager, Board Director at Large and was a Co-Chair of the Junior Leagues of California State Public Affairs Committee (2022/23) She is currently serving as the Vice President Community Impact for JLOCC.

Lena works for her family’s travel company, America 4 You, since 2006 and holds her Master’s in Sustainable Destination Management from George Washington University (2010) and a Tour Directing Certificate from ITMI (2011).  In addition, she was the President of the Grand Circle Organization for 2 years.  She is also Vice Chair on the board for IITA (International Inbound Travel Association) as well as the Chairperson for the upcoming 2024 IITA Summit.

She loves hiking, scuba diving, kickball, and cooking as well as her Baja Mutt, Diesel.